Reiss Adams

STRIVE Founder | Sports Therapist | Run Coach

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Reiss began his career as a Sports Therapist in 2006, and has since trained as a run coach, founding his own company, STRIVE, in 2020. He spent seven years in Dubai where he gained a wealth of experience working with many professional athletes and world class age group triathletes.

Now, combining his injury prevention expertise, and interpersonal experience working side by side with his clients and athletes, he brings a unique approach to the field of Sports Therapy & Coaching.

With his emphasis on injury prevention, he delivers a very specific and tailored sports massage for his clients specific to their needs, given them the best chance to thrive in whatever activity they enjoy.

With Reiss’s knowledge of the body and understanding of how other life factors influence potential injury, he delivers a well rounded run coaching style to his athletes. Helping them build an understanding of the importance of sleep, recovery, nutrition and reducing stress in preventing injuries, improving performance and ultimately their overall well-being.


Reiss’s Qualifications

  • BSc Sports Therapy (University of Birmingham)

  • Qualified Run Coach / Group Run Coach

  • Trigger Point Master Trainer (educating the educators)

  • MAT Assessment

  • Run Gait Analysis

  • Rehab Trainer

  • Myo fascia Release

  • TRX Suspension Training

  • Thor Laser / Ultrasound

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber

Athletes who have been under Reiss’s hands:

  • Liverpool Football Club, First Team

  • Rugby sevens international Men’s England, New Zealand & Fiji teams

  • Dame Kelly Holmes

  • Pro Golfers: Steve Webster, Maria Balikoeva, Carly Booth, Joanna Klatten

  • Australian female Cricket team

  • Tour de France competitor - Jani Brajkovic

  • Sydney Roosters: Australian Rugby League team

  • Ultimate athletics clubs - Dubai

  • UAE national female Netball players


Reiss’s Athletic Accomplishments


Running and cycling are my passions. The day just doesn’t feel right for me without a sweat to kick start the morning and set me up for the rest of the day.

Through my athletic life, I have completed:

  • 6 Ultra Marathons (Up to 50miles in the mountains)

  • Chicago, Paris & Dubai Marathons

  • Countless Half Marathons (UK & UAE)

  • Several Mountain Adventure Races (up to 20 miles)

  • Countless 10k races

  • Dubai 70.3 half Ironman

  • Countless Triathlons (Sprint & Olympic distances)

  • A full Marathon rowing challenge completing the 42.2km’s in a time of 3:40:00

Reiss’s Philosophy:

When I race, my goals are:

  1. I want to get across that line injury free, having pushed my hardest during the race to the best of my abilities.

  2. I want to finish the race strong, being fit enough to do so, safe in the knowledge that I have trained hard, giving me every confidence that I am ready for the race.

  3. I want to enjoy the race! And if I have achieved my first 2 goals, this will come naturally.

I value setting race targets and times to help motivation and performance, but I find by setting the 3 goals above, It gives me every confidence that I will achieve my secondary goals of target times as a natural by product of training consistency and correct mindset.

If I don’t hit my target times, but I achieve the top 3 goals, for me, this is a win, and nothing will take away from what I have achieved that day, I am left satisfied in the knowledge that I pushed out my best effort on the day, and I couldn’t have asked anymore of myself.

I love a challenge and I love helping people find and reach their goals too! It’s an amazing feeling to start and finish something that scares the crap out of you, weather that be a 5k run or a 42k run. Nothing gives me more joy, than to help someone else get that feeling!